Intro to EWAP
We are licensed as a Counselling and Psychological Centre and are authorized to provide services within the field of Psychology.
Crisis intervention
Employee Wellbeing Safeguarding:
Tailor made for Humanitarian Organizations, we provide services at the following stages for humanitarian staff:
a) Pre-Deployment
Psychological Screenings, Field Work Prep and Resilience Training Programs & Tools, Induction.
b) On assignment
On site Counselling Support, Debriefing Services, Work Life Support Care.
c) Post Deployment
Psychological Screenings, Debriefing Services, Off site counselling support, Re-entry support.
Employee Wellness & Assistance Programs
Wellness Audits & Wellbeing Policy Development
Employee Assessments:
Psychosocial, mental & occupational based assessments to evaluate individual wellbeing of staff members, especially in the case of high stressor roles.
Training Programs:
Emotional Resilience, Emotional Intelligence, Psychological First Aid, Mental Health, Stress Management & Preventative Mental Healthcare.
Psychosocial Support Programs:
Onsite or Offsite counselling support, for both groups and individuals. Includes creative forms of therapy other than talk therapy eg Dance, Yoga, Art or Nature/Outdoor Activities.
Ancillary Support Services:
Programs that address the under represented aspects of Employee Wellbeing, i.e., Financial Literacy Training, Career Outplacement Services, Physical Wellness Programs and Work-Life Support Services.
Employee Assistance Program:
Tailor made to focus on the key wellness themes an organizations wants to prioritize. Are long term and high impact, running for a minimum of 12 months.
Leadership Support and Coaching
Building Psychological Safe Workplaces:
a) Emotional Intelligence Development Programs
b) Eliminating Toxic Work Cultures / Spaces
c) Assessment Centre offering:
Psychometric, Simulations, Gamified Assessments
d) Resilience Training
Staff Assessments & Psychometric Testing
Our tests are standardized psychological measurements of knowledge, abilities, attitudes or personality traits. Each test is computerized with invigilators accredited internationally.
Managerial Consulting Services
Managers and supervisors have access to a team of professional managerial coaches and counselors who are able to assist with queries regarding people management issues.
Career Transition Services
We support organizations during internal shifts or restructuring with services covering
personal assessments, coaching, upskilling, therapy, financial forecasting and branding
training. Additionally, we also support retained employees to adjust to change and find
Retained Services
All our services are also available on a retained basis, to allow high impact and transformation.